About Us
Arden Park Area
Arden Park boundaries are from Eastern Avenue to Watt Avenue and Arden Way to Fair Oaks Boulevard. Neighbors residing within these boundaries are considered Arden Park residents. Individuals who live outside of these boundaries are considered non-residents.

Mission Statement
Arden Park Recreation and Park District provides safe, clean, beautiful parks and facilities, along with well-rounded, professionally managed wholesome leisure time activities for all the residents. Services are provided to enrich the quality of life for people living in the District and to provide economic value. The District Board and Staff values public service, people, teamwork, innovation, quality, integrity, excellence, and the environment.
A petition was filed October 29, 1949 in the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Sacramento County requesting the formation of a park, recreation and parkway district to be known as the “Arden Park Park District.” On December 5, 1949, the Board of Supervisors passed Resolution No. 8922 designating that the district should be established in accordance with the provisions of the Public Resources Code of the State of California.
The first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Arden Park Park District was held on March 15, 1950. On February 25, 1952, the District’s name was changed to “Arden Park Park, Recreation and Parkway District” to comply with the Public Resources Code relating to such districts and such change was recorded with the California Secretary of State.
Wright and Kimbrough, subdivider of Arden Park, dedicated land for public use as public parks. On March 24, 1953, the District Board of Trustees accepted the deed of land comprising the park lands, making the District legal owner of the land. The District Board of Trustees adopted the following names for the parks on March 3, 1954: The Park bounded by Cresta Way, Las Cruces and Esperanza Way was to be known as Cresta Park and the park on La Sierra Drive was to be known as La Sierra Park (later renamed Arden Park).
The development of La Sierra Park began shortly thereafter. The Arden Improvement Club, the Arden Park Garden Club and the Arden Lions Club, as well as individual residents of the area, donated time, effort, and money to the District to begin development of the parks. A District bond election was held in April 1955 approving a bond issue in the amount of $63,000 for the purpose of building a swimming pool and bathhouse at La Sierra Park.
A resolution was passed in November 1957 reorganizing the District as a recreation and park district and renaming the District “Arden Park Recreation and Park District”. The reorganization included the change in title of the governing Board from Trustees to Directors. In August 1961 a Superintendent of Parks and Recreation (title was later changed to District Administrator) was appointed on a full-time basis to administer the development, maintenance and operations of facilities and parks, and to supervise and organize the total recreation program. Arden Park Recreation and Park District holds the distinction of being the first independent park and recreation district formed in Sacramento County.