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Baby Ballet and Pre-Ballet

Baby Ballet

This class is perfect for the budding baby dancer! We introduce young children to the wonderful world of movement and ballet through story, make believe and music. Basic ballet steps will be taught in an age appropriate way.

Day: Wednesdays

Dates: January 8-29, February 5-26, March 5-26, April 4-30 (No class 4/16), May 7-28, June 4-25, July 9-30, August 6-27

Location: Arden Park Room A

Time: 9-9:30 am

Ages: Walking-3 Years

Fee: $48/month ($36/month March) w/ $5 materials fee for April recital



Pre-Ballet - Morning or Afternoon

For kids who love to dance this pre-ballet class will teaches the basics! Beginning technique and proper terminology are used. Students will focus on rhythm, posture, flexibility and coordination. Please dress girls in pink tights, black leotard (no tutus) and pink leather ballet slippers. Boys dress in black shorts, white t-shirt and black leather ballet slippers. 

Day: Wednesdays

Date:  January 8-29th, February 5-26, March 5-26, April 4-30 (No class 4/16), May 7-28, June 4-25, July 9-30, August 6-27

Time: Morning: 9:30-10:15 am or Afternoon: 12:30-1:15 pm

Ages: 3-6 Years

Fee: $48/month ($36/month  March) w/ $5 materials fee for April recital

Morning Pre-Ballet: REGISTER 

Afternoon Pre-Ballet: REGISTER 

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